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1 mature /məˈtuɚ/ /məˈtʃuɚ/ adjective
maturer; maturest
1 mature
/məˈtuɚ/ /məˈtʃuɚ/
maturer; maturest
Britannica Dictionary definition of MATURE
[or more mature; most mature]
: having or showing the mental and emotional qualities of an adult
opposite immature
: having a fully grown or developed body : grown to full size
opposite immature
: having reached a final or desired state opposite immature
: not young : middle-aged or older
: based on careful thought
: showing the highest level of skill that a person develops
finance : having reached the time when an amount of money (such as money for a government bond or an insurance policy) must be paid : due for payment

— maturely

2 mature /məˈtuɚ/ /məˈtʃuɚ/ verb
matures; matured; maturing
2 mature
/məˈtuɚ/ /məˈtʃuɚ/
matures; matured; maturing
Britannica Dictionary definition of MATURE
[no object]
: to become mature: such as
: to become fully developed in the body and mind
often + into
: to continue developing to a desired level
finance : to become due for payment